The Effect of Vermicompost and Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) Application on Phytomass and Macroelement Concentration and Tetanic Ratio in Carrot od blumeria | okt 6, 2023 | Články
Pathogenicity of fungi associated with wheat and barley seedling emergence and fungicide efficacy of seed treatment od blumeria | mar 10, 2023 | Vedecké články, Vedecké články, Vedecké články, Vedecké články, Vedecké články, Vedecké články
The Occurrence and Predominance of Fusarium Species on Barley Kernels in Slovakia od blumeria | mar 10, 2023 | Nezaradené
Occurence of Fusarium head blight of wheat in Slovakia under the natural infection od blumeria | mar 10, 2023 | Nezaradené
Author’s personal copyInfluence of harvest date and geographical location on kernel symptoms, fungal infestation and embryo viability of malting barley od blumeria | mar 10, 2023 | Nezaradené